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Four takeaways from the Zupa Food Service Breakfast Forum

In our recent hospitality breakfast forum, we explored the key trends across the education food service sector and the role which technology can and will play in the future. Read our four takeaways.

Hospitality's recipes for success - 7 key themes

Halfway through our first season of our hospitality podcast, Recipes for Success, we share 7 recurring themes from our guests.

Food industry research round-up: the core issues impacting people on the ground

In 2022, Zupa commissioned independent research to better understand food service challenges and provision across care, contract catering and restaurants. We've unearthed key themes and findings common to all sectors.

Food legislation – a help or a hindrance?

The mere mention of the word ‘legislation’ or ‘regulation’ can send many businesses running for the hills. How are hospitality and food business dealing with new and complex food legislation in these challenging times? And how effective is this legislation anyway?

Embracing digitisation and reducing costly mistakes in the kitchen

With little let up in the cost of living crisis, hospitality firms are having to work harder and smarter - both to survive and stay profitable. But with inflation and staff shortages still a battle for many, this may not be as straightforward as it seems.

Food sustainability: confronting the conundrum in uncertain times

What are the barriers and opportunities to greater sustainability in food production and service?

Recipes for Success – new Zupa podcast series launched for 2023!

At Zupa, we've launched a new video podcast series, Recipes for Success. We'll be exploring a range of topics and thinking affecting hospitality businesses today, helping to share perspective, fresh ideas and expert insight with everyone working in all aspects of foodservice.

Five cost management New Year Resolutions kitchens must stick to in 2023

As we move into another unpredictable New Year for the hospitality industry, effective cost management has never been more important. Anything that impacts the bottom line must come under fierce scrutiny, food wastage being the big one.

Looking ahead - what's in store for Hospitality in 2023?

With 2022 drawing to a close, I’d like to share a retrospective of the last 12 months as well as set out some of the trends I see in hospitality in the year ahead.

As costs soar is the hospitality sector keeping up with its sustainability agenda?

It hasn’t been easy for the hospitality industry over these last few years, so has commitment to sustainability in terms of embracing a more environmentally friendly future fallen down the pecking order of business priorities?

Hospitality - do we need staff training anyway?

At a time where it feels like the hospitality industry is fighting a war on all fronts, is this the best time to invest valuable time and resource in revamping your employee training programme? And what do you need to implement it successfully?

Making dishes go further – 8 ways chefs can minimise the impacts of food inflation

It's getting harder to avoid passing price hikes onto customers, themselves facing a tightening of purse strings. Chefs and catering teams working inhospitality and foodservice need to get smarter and more creative about cost control - from how goods are sourced, to what cuts of meat and ingredients to use in recipes.

Building operational resilience - what’s the cost of doing nothing?

Ollie Brand, CEO at Zupa and Neil Shayle, Commercial Director at Zupa examine the findings of a recent study of the UK contract catering sector and share 'on the ground' insights and challenges.

How chef creativity can boost cost control whilst ensuring plate quality

There are many ways to get more value from food, from exploring different cuts of meat to researching seasonal produce and special offers – but this level of intervention requires creativity, innovation and time. It is imperative to connect the dots between unnecessary or inefficient manual processes that are a huge time drain across their workforce, and freeing chefs up to do the job they love.

Will hospitality get the support it needs this winter?

There are challenging times for the hospitality industry. From freezing energy prices to lowering VAT and business rates, to stand any chance of survival this winter there is little doubt that there needs to be focused effort on delivering comprehensive financial support.

How to stay positive and proactive in these unprecedented times

Times are challenging for hospitality. With or without intervention, we will either fall victim to circumstance or need to be more proactive about our lives and businesses - to do what we can, with what we’ve got. Here's more on my thoughts.

Counting the Cost of Food Waste in a Cost-of-Living Crisis

The UK foodservice industry throws away 1.1 million tonnes of food every year. Eliminating food waste is no longer a significant environmental challenge but has also become both a serious business issue and moral imperative.

Can technology hold the key for Care Home reform?

From the global pandemic and Brexit to inflation and staff shortages, UK care homes have faced no shortage of challenges. Could technology hold the key to transforming the delivery of resident care?

Keep control with finance teams working remotely

With venues trading under different rules and head office administrators working remotely, how did one hotel group stop costs spiralling and become future ready?

Sustainable procurement - are we just scratching the surface?

As increasing numbers of businesses are joining the quest for more sustainable procurement, there is one big question: are we making progress?

8 top tips for smarter tech decisions

Making technology decisions, or choosing new software to solve a business problem, often feels like something best left to the IT team. However, it is often the line of business that feel the pains and frustrations of using outdated technology so it can be worthwhile getting involved.

Supply chain
Food service
Cost control
Contract catering